Home » LINEA Testnet VOYAGE week 8

LINEA Testnet VOYAGE week 8

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LINEA Testnet VOYAGE week 8

This article contains nothing but the link to do the 50ish boring tasks of week 8 ending 4/7. And the most faced problems in this quest.

Tbh, I didn’t want to write this article, because this quest is so frustrating, time consuming, a LineaEth grab, and just another heavy adventure week to weedout the bots. But because i know many of you follow me since week 1 of the quest, I decided to write this article and tell you about what’s waiting for you, as always in a blunt honest way ! LFG !

First and foremost, know that you will need a load of LineaEth. At the time of writing completing 80% of the quests requires about 20 LineaEth & good luck gathering this sum knowing that the faucet only drips
0.5 LineaEth per 24h… Cashmere labs quests per example cost a whooping 1 LineaEth / transaction…and you have 5 to do…
Most of the projects also have set high transaction fees so be ready to burn some LineaEth…if you have some.

Also please be advised that most of the protocols are still adjusting to the testnet, so this quest requires a LOT of patience and time.

Link to the quest : Galxe

The most faced problems :

  • High Linea Eth fees
  • Fluvi wallet can not be mapped
  • Apps not working
  • Long transactions processing time
  • Stuck transactions
  • Have to repeat transactions twice in some protocols

The suggested sollutions:

  • Fees :Raid LineaBuild twitter account and ask them to fix the fees
  • Fluvi Wallet : Make sure you have the latest version of Fluvi V.0.3.21
  • Apps not working : Disconnect wallet, erase cookies, hard refesh and try again
  • Transaction time : Send transaction with suggested site fees, then speed up transaction
  • Stuck transactions: Try the push through method
  • Contact protocol teams and let them know

Please remember that you need to gather as many points as you can to stay in the game ! So even if you feel discouraged or frustrated, just do at least 3–4 tasks, there’s only one more week left !

If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to follow and clap for support & subscribe to my email list in order to stay up to date & be early in the upcoming airdrops !

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