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Connext has updated the airdrop rules

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Connext has updated the airdrop rules

Connext has updated the airdrop rules!👀

Recent update clarify that some transactions weren’t counted for the airdrop. Connext has now updated the count to include those transactions.😮
If you’re lucky to get an allocation, you can double-check it here:🔽


The eligibility criteria have been clarified to include transactions to or from certain networks like Evmos and Arbitrum Nova,etc. and transactions through certain aggregators like Bungee Exchange and Jumper Exchange and some other conditions..

To ensure no allocation decrease, the total airdrop size has been increased.

Don’t forget that Allocations won’t be finalized until after the Community Sybil Program completion From August 24th through September 1st

you can claim NEXT on Arbitrum, optimism, Polygon or gnosis chain On Sept 5th at 1 pm UTC.

Good Luck

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