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Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost 0

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Confirmed Airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost: $0 Potential Winning: $2,000 Follow these simple steps

Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost 0

2/ Get BNB testnet tokens from the faucet – https://testnet.bnbchain.org/faucet-smart

Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost 0

3/ Go to the website and connect your wallet — https://test.edu3labs.com

Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost 0

4/ Add/update your profile information

Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost 0

5/ Load the materials by clicking on the “Creator Panel” button 1. Video materials should be .mp4 2. The audio book materials should be .mp3 3. Written content PDF materials such as academic research, article, or book must be .pdf

Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost 0

6/ Decide the price, sell your NFTs and buy NFTs from other users. When the review team approves your course, it will be in the “Coining” section. From here, click the “Mint” button and create your NFTs. After that, your course will be in the “Active Courses” below.

7/ In the “Published” section, you can list your NFT. You can set your price with the “List NFT” button. Once you do that, your content is listed on the market

8/ Read, listen, or watch educational materials

Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs Cost 0

10/ Fill out the Submission Form and Give Your Feedback on the #public-feedback Channel.  Edu3Labs NFE Marketplace Public Testnet Submit Form (google.com) When you’re done with the test, you can share your testnet experience on the #public-feedback channel on Discord

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